Women's Activism NYC

Hye-Young Kim

1989 - Today

By: Niesaj | Date Added:

Hye-young Kim is the Director of Artificial Intelligence, in Lotte Shopping in South Korea. Lotte ecommerce is popular in Korea and she is planning to transform the shopping experience for the customers. Hye-young Kim has used AI to transform a huge part of the shopping industry, she has used advanced analytics and AI, and with these two main parts she was able to improve business competitiveness. With using IBM Watson, Hye-young Kim was able to conduct two projects that has brought a change into the shopping experience, for the first project, they've created channels to help with the distribution service, and the second project was a trend, and it examined the customers internally and externally to help them create more productions. Hye-young Kim has learned important lessons, and one of the lessons would be to get started, because if you wait for all of the data to be collected, you might never start and then once you start the project, you will know what data you will need to start the project, so her main point would be to just get started. Hye-young Kim also gave advice to the next generation of women and she had given two points and it is, "First, try without fear. Second, don’t be too afraid. Third, I want to say that if you don’t try because you’re afraid of failure, you don’t have a chance."

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