Women's Activism NYC

Sara Hines

1989 - Today

By: Niesaj | Date Added:

Sarah Hines is the Director of Provider Experience & Connectivity of Humana USA. Sara had started and led a project where she created a virtual robot, named Humana which was able to answer questions that people might have. The purpose of Humana was to create a system that would grow and become smarter, so the machine would capture outcomes, metrics and perceptions. IBM has shifted the time and had created more, the virtual agent is now able to answer live calls, and they include having about 120 practices built into the machine, so the robot would know about it. An example of a question the bot would answer would be, "“I need to understand if a vaccine is covered.” Saras advice to working with AI would be, to always be open to learning, and to never stop exploring the possibilities with AI. Sara had mentioned something interesting, that yes using AI is an learning experience for us, but also AI is learning too with experience and the support that it's receiving. Previously, Sara was the VP of Operations in Prism Medical LTD for 2 years and 7 months and her current position at Humana as a Strategic Innovation Direction, she has served in the position for about 4 years and 6 months in the location of Louisville, Kentucky.

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