Women's Activism NYC

Susan Sarandon

1946 - Today

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Susan Sarandon was born in New York City. Her parents were Lenora marie and Phillip Leslie Tomalin who was an advertising executive. Sarandon was ranked as #35 in Empire in the UK magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time." Susan had also attended Catholic University of America from 1964 to 1968 and had majored in military strategy. Susan had gotten married to Chris Sarandon who was the head of the Department. Susan was also a former Ford model and had a relationship with Franco Amurri where she had a daughter in 1985 and had two sons with Tim Robbins, who where Henry Robbins and Miles Robbins. She graduated from Edison High School, New Jersey and was a cheerleader. Her parents had separated after 40 years of marriage and she was the eldest of the nine children. Susan had won the "World Lifetime Achievement Award" at the 2006 Women's Award in New York. Sarandon was famous for her roles in films such as 'Bull Durham', 'Thelma and Louise', and 'Dead Man walking.'

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