Women's Activism NYC

Vandana Shiva

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Dr. Vandana Shiva trained as a quantum physicist but decided that her calling was activism. This happened when she noticed that global economic policies were destroying forests and farmland. She then decided to start the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology in her mother's cow shed. Instantly, she became a supporter of grassroots struggles against clearcutting of forests, large-scale dams, and multinational control of food production. Shiva became an early advocate of the Chipko movement which is a big village to village civil disobedience by women of the Himalayan foothills who were protesting logging and the destruction of their food, water, supplies, and fuel. They did this by blocking loggers with their bodies. In 1978, created a big flood that would often create a four mile long lake and destruction. Her protest won them a logging ban. She has currently challenged the international agriculture business' efforts to prevent farmers from owning their own seed stock.

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