Women's Activism NYC

Patricia Arquette

1968 - Today

Date Added:

Patricia was one of the most underrated and talented actresses of her generation, she had always stayed under the radar of true stardom. Patricia was born in Chicago, and then her parents had moves to Virginia. Her parents both had something related to acting. Her dad Lewis was an actor and her mom Brenda, was an acting teacher and a therapist. At the age of 15, Patricia ran away from home and lived with her sister Rosanna and got her start in Pretty Smart in 1987. She had also appeared in movies such as True Romance, Beyond Rangoon, Ethan Frome, and many more. In 1997, her mother died of breast cancel and Patricia was in the lead to campaign for it and she was running the race for the cure in 1999 and was the Lee National Denim Day spokesperson.

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