Women's Activism NYC

Kimberly Minda

1996 - Today

Date Added:

Kimberly Minda is a 23 year old Afro-Ecuadorian rights activist. She claims that her family are big supporters of Correa, Ecuadors former president. After he was the first candidate to visit Valle del Chota, a mostly black region in Ecuador. According, to her this meant a lot to her parents and the whole region since they finally felt like someone in a high ranking position cared about them and what they had to say. One of the changes she noticed was the "El Negro" saying which can no longer be said on a day to day basis and people can now start denouncing it. Kimberly points out that discrimination needs to be fought through the language that was used in the Constitution because that is what allows some people to get away with being ignorant. The new Constitution and the new rights of Afro- Ecuadorians as well as affirmative action have proven to work but not completely. Kimberly also discusses how the government gave Valle del Chota a lot of support in helping the youth be more and more interested in an education for themselves. Until this day she continues to fight for her communities' rights and hopes that one day they will be given the importance they so rightfully deserve as Ecuadorian citizens.

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