Women's Activism NYC

Aviâja Egede Lynge

1974 - Today

By: Kam Singh | Date Added:

Aviâja Egede Lynge is a social anthropologist, born in Greenland in 1974. Lynge works to support the rights of indigenous Inuit. Growing up in Greenland, Lynge was always surrounded in an indigenous environment, where her and her family, grew to love their culture and desired to gain cultural and language rights for Greenland. After attending the University of Edinburgh, Lynge earned a master's degree in social anthropology. From 2006, she headed the department of further education at the University of Greenland where she developed teaching diploma courses and a master's degree program for Greenland's teachers. She also taught social anthropology in the University and participated in educational reforms after graduating. Another achievement of hers includes coordinating improvements in education for the indigenous inhabitants of Canada and Alaska. Within Greenland, Lynge has taken the initiative to train teachers to appreciate their cultural identity and indigenous rights. Not only that but since 2015, Lynge has been Greenland's spokesperson for the Rights of the Child. In 2018, Lynge was appointed as a board member of the Internatinal Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, an independent and non-profit human rights-based organization that aims to promote and endorse the rights of the world's indigenous people. Furthermore, in 2020, she became a member of the General Assembly of the Internation Indigenous Women's Forum. It is evident how Lynge has made an impact in the Indigenous world, many have been inspired to improve and fight for their culture, just from her simple acts of advocacy.

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