Women's Activism NYC

Valentina Ukrow

2010 - Today

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Being Chile's national climbing champion at just 13 years old is enough merit, but Valentina Ukrow's story has even more effort and passion: she was diagnosed with bone cancer when she was ten years old, and without giving up, she fought the disease and went back to training for climbing again at the highest level in her class. In 2023, he went to the World Youth Climbing Championships in South Korea, in the under-16 category. From a very young age she loved climbing: she competed at the age of four and since the age of seven she trained several times a week. Valentina practices rock and wall climbing. At the age of ten, in 2019, she hit her arm and went for a pain check. That's when she was discovered to have osteosarcoma in her right ulna. She had to start with chemotherapy, and months later go through a surgery where a five-centimeter and seven-centimeter tumor were removed from her forearm bone. Losing some of her bone, additional to muscle and strength during treatment, could have been an impediment to continuing climbing. But Valentina did not let go, and supported by health professionals, began to recover her health and training again, having to make up for the lack of bone with certain movements to be able to use her wrist. Her family and friends installed a climbing wall in her home to support her. Three years later, Ukrow not only became a national champion again, but was also selected for the World Youth Championship, and is guaranteed to participate in the Pan American tournament.

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